JQuery : find and wrap textnode with some element


my HTML code :

<body>Firebrand will tend to burn any bricks out there. so the best idea is to ignore any active firebrand if you are a bricks. Otherwise, you can challenge a firebrand if you have the proper quality to keep up with their latest technology. And don't mess up with firebrand if you are a robber.</body>

I want to find any "firebrand" inside the body and replace it with <span class="firebrand">firebrand</span> with jQuery

Best Answer

Just recurse through the DOM, while using:

.replace(/(firebrand)/gi, '<span class="firebrand">$1</span>')

on each text content.

function firebrand($el) {
   $el.contents().each(function () {

       if (this.nodeType == 3) { // Text only
               .replace(/(firebrand)/gi, '<span class="firebrand">$1</span>'));
       } else { // Child element

