Jquery – iScroll with footer and header fixed


If you enter http://gizeto.se/app_yellow/index.html you can see that iScroll scrolls the entire page. You can see the scroller lying over both the header and the footer. The scroller should only scroll the content, not the header and footer included.

I wan't to make this work because I need the fixed footer without using position:fixed – which still doesn't work on for example Android 2.1

I use iScroll 4 and my JS code is inside my data-role="content" div:

            $(document).ready(function() {

                var myScroll = new iScroll('content');
                $(window).bind('resize', function () {
                // I also tried setting a height on the content div, but that didn't work either. Its commented out.



My data-role="page" element has the data-iscroll="enable" attribute, and my html code for the scrolling part is:

    <div data-iscroll="scroller" class="scroller">
        <div data-iscroll="scroller">

        <div style="text-align:center;">
        <img src="images/video.png" style="width: 100%; height: 100px;" class="rounded" title="" />
        <br />

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Why does iScroll scroll the hole page and not just the content so that my footer can stay totally fixed without the use of position:fixed which isn't supported in all mobile browsers just yet.

Best Answer

maybe try this widget plug-in for a cleaner integration of iScroll and JQuery Mobile:
