Jquery – Onclick scroll to div id and animate the div


I have searched and searched on here, the other day there was a great question on Stack I found, and Im not sure if you can save favorite questions .. so now I am trying my darndest to find the damn thing.

The user wanted a click function, like scrollto whereby on click the page scrolls to a specific id, and the div highlights and animates ( in color ) and then fades.

There was a js fiddle for it too, but buggered if I can find it thru my history…

Can anyone point me to what I am looking for.

So you have links like.
[link1] [link2] etc

Example: on click link1 the page scrolls ( using scrollto plugin ) and the div it lands at, glows red then fades bak to normal color.

Its like Chris Coyiers scroll to:

But when you get to the div the div glows red background and then fades to white

Best Answer

This might be what you need using jQuery:
