Jquery – Post multiple parameters to MVC Controller using jQuery.post


I have a controller defined as:

        public JsonResult PostMoreData(DataContracts.Address address, DataContracts.GeoLocation geoLocation)
            return Json("test");

where DataContracts.Address and DataContracts.GeoLocation are complex types.

From my View i'm trying to post using jQuery as such:

        function PostMoreData() {

            var JsonAddress = {

                "Building": $('Building').val(),
                "UnitNumber": $('UnitNumber').val(),
                "StreetNumber": $('StreetNumber').val(),
                "StreetName": $('StreetName').val(),
                "StreetType": $('StreetType').val(),
                "Suburb": $('Suburb').val(),
                "State": $('State').val(),
                "Postcode": $('Postcode').val(),
                "MonthsAtAddress": $('MonthsAtAddress').val()


            var JsonGeoLocation = {
                "Latitude": $('Latitude').val(),
                "Longitude": $('Longitude').val()

            jQuery.post("/AddressValidation/PostMoreData", {address: JsonAddress, geoLocation: JsonGeoLocation}, function(data, textStatus) {
                if (textStatus == "success") {
                    var result = eval(data);
                    if (result.length > 0) {
            }, "json");

However, on the controller, I get nulls.

It works if my Controller takes just 1 argument and I post just one object.

        public JsonResult PostMoreData(DataContracts.Address address)
            return Json("test");
        function PostMoreData() {

            var JsonAddress = {

                "Building": $('Building').val(),
                "UnitNumber": $('UnitNumber').val(),
                "StreetNumber": $('StreetNumber').val(),
                "StreetName": $('StreetName').val(),
                "StreetType": $('StreetType').val(),
                "Suburb": $('Suburb').val(),
                "State": $('State').val(),
                "Postcode": $('Postcode').val(),
                "MonthsAtAddress": $('MonthsAtAddress').val()


            jQuery.post("/AddressValidation/PostMoreData", JsonAddress, function(data, textStatus) {
                if (textStatus == "success") {
                    var result = eval(data);
                    if (result.length > 0) {
            }, "json");

Any ideas how i can post more than one object?

Best Answer

Note that the "default serialization" that jQuery is doing here isn't going to work no matter what your controller does. jQuery doesn't "traverse" the parameter map below the first level, so the example in the question is likely generating this post data:


The other, working example does not contain any sub-objects, so it is being translated directly, like this:


The easiest fix is making the parameter map flat, each key prefixed with either 'Address.' or 'GeoLocation.', depending.