Test mobile website in desktop browser


I'm developing a mobile website for iPhone, Android, etc. using jQuery Mobile. I'd like to be able to test this in my desktop browser and was wondering what the best approach is. I guess I could use a plugin to change the User-Agent header to the appropriate value and manually resize the browser to the device's width, but is there a simpler/more reliable way?


Sorry, I should have mentioned that the only hardware available is a Windows laptop

Best Answer

Well if you have a Mac and xCode is installed you can use the Simulator. Open Mobile Safari and point to you web page on all Apple devices

You can also use the Android Emulator ( But I've not tested that it can access the web from the browser )

Alternatively you could use a plugin ( as you have suggested ).

I personally use Chrome with this plugin:

with pretty good results.

I've used Device Anywhere before

you access the device through a web portal/site and control it, but this costs $$$

Actual device testing in going to be the most reliable


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