JQuery to navigate to page in select option


I am trying to write a little snippet that allows a user to go to i.e. navigate to) a new url, based on a user selection in an option select control.

<script type="text/javascript">
/* <[CDATA[ */
    var id = jQuery($this).val();
    var url = some_Lookup_func(id);
    jQuery("#the_id").change(function () { /* how do I navigate the browser to 'url' ?*/ );
/* ]]> */

Note: This is not AJAX behaviour I want, I want the browser to behave as though you had clicked on a hyperlink. I have done this before, but I have forgotten how to do it. I had a look at the jQuery docs, and load() does not seem to do it – because I do not want to place the contents in the current page – I want to:

  1. go to an entirely new page
  2. pass parameters to the url that I am navigating to (e.g. the id of the selected item

Best Answer


var YourParam="sunshine";

$(document).ready(function() {
    if ($(this).val()!='') {


<form action="whatever.shtml" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <select id="goto">
    <option value="">Go somewhere...</option>
    <option value="http://cnn.com/">CNN</option>
    <option value="http://disney.com/">Disney</option>
    <option value="http://stackoverflow.com/">stackoverflow</option>
    <option value="http://ironmaiden.com/">Iron Maiden</option>