Jquery-ui – jQuery UI Slider: move the value along (with) the handle


I used the jQuery UI slider component in my page to set a range of prices.
I can also use their ui.values[] to set and show the new values in other divs.

How can I make to see the new value under the handle. I.e. if I moved the
handle to $100, I want to set the "$100" text right under that handle.

BTW, I use the range version – to set a range of prices, so I got TWO handles on my slider (min & max).

var minPriceRange=100;
var maxPriceRange=500;
$( "#priceRangeSlider" ).slider({
        range: true,
        min: minPriceRange,
        max: maxPriceRange,
        step: 10,
        values: [ minPriceRange, maxPriceRange ],
        slide: function( event, ui ) {
            ("#fromRangeText").text("$" + ui.values[ 0 ]);
            $("#toRangeText").text("$" + ui.values[ 1 ]);

Best Answer

You may use the .position utility function from jQuery UI to position the labels:

    slide: function(event, ui) {
        var delay = function() {
            var handleIndex = $(ui.handle).data('index.uiSliderHandle');
            var label = handleIndex == 0 ? '#min' : '#max';
            $(label).html('$' + ui.value).position({
                my: 'center top',
                at: 'center bottom',
                of: ui.handle,
                offset: "0, 10"

        // wait for the ui.handle to set its position
        setTimeout(delay, 5);

See it action: http://jsfiddle.net/william/RSkpH/1/.

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