Jquery validation with ajax call


I am using the jquery validation and i need to validate an email.

I use

            email: {
                required: true,
                email: true

SO FAR so good. The problem is that i need to make an ajax call to verify if given email already exist.If exist display message "This email already exits.Please selecte other".

Can anyone help me implement this.

Best Answer

remote: "/some/remote/path"

That path will be passed the value of the field in a $_GET. so.. what actually gets called in your case would be:


Have the server side code return just the text true or false.

Then the corresponding message also named remote.

remote: "The corresponding email already exists"

My code for something similar:

  rules: { 
    email: { required: true, email: true, minlength: 6, remote: "/ajax/password/check_email" }
  messages: { 
    email: { required: "Please enter a valid email address", minlength: "Please enter a valid email address", email: "Please enter a valid email address", remote: "This email is not registered" }
  onkeyup: false,
  onblur: true

The corresponding server side code in php:

$email_exists = $db->prows('SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1', 's' , $_GET['email'] );
if ( $email_exists ) { echo 'true'; } else { echo 'false'; }

Of course that's using my database abstraction stuff, but you get it.