Json – Postman – Error 400 Bad Request


I'm trying to access an API using Postman to get a response using basic authentication, but when I submit the data, it gives me the dreaded 400 error, which apparently indicates that some headers aren't set up properly.

Here's the API info:


Endpoint: {loginUrl}
Data to submit: an email and a password
POST /login HTTP/1.1
Host: {baseUrl}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 68

    "email": "{email}",
    "password": "{password}"

And in response, I should get an encrypted token in form of JSON, instead I'm getting this error.

Here are the postman screenshots:



Am I missing something?

Best Answer

From the lack of details it's difficult to offer a specific answer but I can offer something that you can try - The Request data you posted in the question looks like you should be adding:

    "email": "{email}",
    "password": "{password}"

In the Body section of the request but your images don't show that you've added that to the Body on any request, you've added it as a Auth header instead, so remove that before trying again. I'm not sure of the need to add the Content-Length header as that will change for different username and password combinations in the payload or for the length of the response.

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