Json – Query elements in a nested array of a json object in postgresql 9.4 or 9.5


  "studentID": 1,
  "StudentName": "jhon",
                      "grade": 80 },

                      "grade": 90 } ]
                      "grade": 81 },

                      "grade": 87 } ]
              }  ]


I have stored in postgresql database json objects of the above format. Each object consists of informations about a certain student with enrollment information. I have complex objects with nested array inside arrays. I am trying to select all the element inside the "info" array. I tried to use the following query:

 with recursive x (info) as (select value->'info' from jsontesting r,  json_array_elements(r.data->'Data'->'enrolmentinfo') 
 SELECT  (e).value->'courseID', (e).value->'school', (e).value->'grade',(e).value->'enrollmentdate', (e).value->'finshdate'   
 from (select json_each(json_array_elements (info)) e from x) p)
 select * from x;

This query is not working and it is giving the following error:"cannot call json_array_elements on a scalar". Is there any other query that I can use to extract the elements of the nested array "info"??

Best Answer

-- assuming that jsontesting.data contains your JSON    
WITH info_data AS (
   SELECT enrolment_info->'info' AS info
   FROM jsontesting t, json_array_elements(t.data -> 'Data' -> 'enrolmentInfo') AS enrolment_info
SELECT info_item->>'courseID',
FROM info_data idata, json_array_elements(idata.info) AS info_item;