Json – Reading json response in windows power shell


I am using power shell code as:

   $web_client = new-object system.net.webclient

Output in browser while hitting http:// is:


What should I write the power shell code to get:


Best Answer

You're question is very unclear. If you have Powershell 3 or later, you can use ConvertFrom-JSON to convert the JSON-response to a object.

$build_info=$web_client.DownloadString("http://<URL>") | ConvertFrom-Json

Ex of output:


message     : 
changeset   : 340718
branch      : main
product     : productname
buildNumber : 1775951
todaysDate  : 28-4-2014

With PS 3+ you could also replace the webclient with Invoke-RestMethod as shown by @RickH.

$build_info = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://<URL>"