Kendo Hierarchical Datasource for treeview, filter to checked nodes


I am using the Kendo Hierarchical Datasource for a Kendo UI Treeview.
On a click event, I want to leave only the checked roms in the datasource.

I tried

                  field: "checked", 
                  operator: "eq", 
                  value: true });

But to no avail.

Do I have the correct field?

Also, for bonus points, how do I remove the filter?

Best Answer

checked is the correct field if you have defined it as so in the template :

    checkboxes: { template: "<input type='checkbox' name='checkedNodes' #= item.isChecked ? 'checked' : '' # value='#= #' />" },
    dataSource: [{ 
        id: 1, text: "My Documents", expanded: true, spriteCssClass: "rootfolder", items: [
            { id: 2, text: "about.html", expanded: true, isChecked: false, spriteCssClass: "folder" },
            { id: 3, text: "index.html", expanded: true, isChecked: true, spriteCssClass: "folder" }

in my case, it is named isChecked (see item.isChecked in my code).

But, in order to filter correctly, be careful : filter only acts on the current level (see for example this question).

And for your bonus question, to remove the filter, simply apply the following code :

     .filter({ });

(same as before on all levels on your hierarchy!).


Here is some fiddle in order to play with the filter : .

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