Kotlin constructor with super class


Any way I try, be it primary constructors or secondary, I can't figure out how to declare a new class with a super class and a constructor in kotlin.

class myPanel : JPanel {
    myPanel() : super() {


This is how i would most like t do it but it gives an error expecting member declaration.

class myPanel() : JPanel() {

this is how I thought a primary constructor looked but it gives the same error. Searching the internet hasn't been helpful and all I could find was the second example.

So, what are all of the valid ways of creating a class with a super class and its one constructor?

Best Answer

Kotlin's constructor is contained in an init block

class Test : SuperClass() {
    init {
      // Do constructor stuff here

More information can be found in the Kotlin reference on classes: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/classes.html#constructors