Lambda Parameter not in scope when using SimpleRepository Find


I have this simple little method that is trying to use the SimpleRepositry Find method in SubSonic When I make the call I get a invalid operation exception "Lambda Parameter not in scope", which added a touch of sadness to my coding afternoon.

public override IEnumerable<ICustomer> FindCustomers(string searchTerm)
   return Repos.Find<Customer>(cust => cust.FirstNames.StartsWith(searchTerm)).ToArray();

Now, given how much fun SubSonic has been so far, I'm not going to give up without a fight, so does anybody out there have any advice? I suspect that this is just a bug, but given that I've only been using SS a few days I'm not experienced enough to make that call.

Best Answer

It looks like it's a bug based on Rob's answer to this question:

"Lambda Parameter not in scope" exception using SimpleRepository's Single method

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