Latex includepdf after section in appendix


I want to add some pdf-pages in my appendix in latex using this command:


Works fine so far, however it is always placed in a new page… in other words:

I add \section{title 1} and then \includepdf-command and then \section{title 2} and \includepdf-command….. But after each \section I get an empty page and then the pdf-files. But I want them to be placed immediately after a section-title, if applicable.

Hope the problem is clear.

Best Answer

Another stylish solution in case of adding multi page documents:

\includepdf[pages=1,scale=.8,pagecommand={\section{My header}\label{pdf:myfile}},linktodoc=true]{myfile.pdf}


  1. Header placed at the top of the first page without cropping
  2. You can set a label for the section created
  3. Multi page friendly
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