LaTeX “\indent” creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement


The LaTeX code provided below shows the usage of the command "\indent" as it appears in the document, but it does not produce the desired indentation within the document. Is there a specific package associated with the command "\indent" or "\="? I am asking for a step by step method of producing an indentation within a document for only one paragraph, regardless of location within the document.


\topmargin -3.5cm
\oddsidemargin -0.04cm
\evensidemargin -0.04cm
\textwidth 16.59cm

\textheight 21.94cm

\parskip 7.2pt
\parindent 8pt

\author{Pareshkumar Brahmbhatt}

\date{March 17, 2010}


\indent Now we are engaged in a great civil war.


Best Answer

LaTeX will usually not indent the first paragraph of a section. This is standard typographical practice. However, if you really want to override this default setting, use the package indentfirst available on CTAN.

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