LDAP query to enumerate of all users of the subgroups of a group


This LDAP query successfully enumerates all users within a group:

memberOf=CN=MySubGroup1,OU=MyGroup1,OU=Global Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com

The group MyGroup1 has two subgroups: MySubGroup1, MySubGroup2.
In order to get all the users of MyGroup1, I could make a query to get the users of MySubGroup1, another query to get the users of MySubGroup1, and then make the union.

However, I am asking how I can achieve the same results with only one LDAP query,
asking for all the users within MyGroup1 and sub-groups.

Any idea?

Best Answer

There is no such thing as a subgroup, just groups. The correct term is subordinate, i.e., cn=mysubgroup1 is subordinate to ou=mygroup1, and so forth.

Use the following parameters in an LDAP search request:

  • base object: OU=MyGroup1,OU=Global Groups,DC=mycompany,DC=com
  • search scope: sub if there is more than one 'level' beneath ou=mygroup1, one otherwise
  • filter: (|(cn=mysubgroup1)(cn=mysubgroup2))
  • requested attribute: whichever multi-valued attribute whose value is the distinguished name of each member of the group

These search request parameters should result in a search result with two entries, the distinguished of each entry, and the attributes whose values are the distinguished names of the members of each group.

see also

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