Linq – Group and count items


I have a .csv file (words.csv) containing 5000 words seperated by commas. Most of the strings are repeated values.

Can I use LINQ to do the following:

A. group common words together and show count of repeated words

so if apple has been repeated 5 times and banana 3 should display as

apple – 5
banana – 3
and so on

B. Create another text file with duplicates removed.

Best Answer

Sure, here's the LINQ syntax in C#:

from word in words
group word into occurrences
select new
    Word = occurrences.Key,
    Count = occurrences.Count()

Or in "pure" C# method calls:

words.GroupBy(w => w)
     .Select(o => new 
                     Word = o.Key,
                     Count = o.Count()

And to create a distinct list of words you just use the Distinct operator:
