Linux – Bluetooth profile info in linux


As bluetooth device has a number of bluetooth profiles. when want to do communication is bluetooth device, first pair bluetooth device and then starts sending data using bluetooth.

In linux, hcitool is used to scan nearby bluetooth devices.

1) How can i know which bluetooth profile is supported by selected nearby bluetooth device?Is there any particular command to know bluetooth profile supported by selected nearby bluetooth device in linux?

2) suppose, i come to know selected nearby bluetooth device support abcd and xyz bluetooth profiles. How can i select particular bluetooth profile in linux?, example abcd out of supported profiles.

2) How can i connect to that selected bluetooth device as SPP profile for transferring data as serial port in linux?

Sukhdeep Singh

Best Answer

  1. In linux, sdptool utility is provided with which you can search your own device supported profiles and other devices supported profiles(sdptool browse local/).

  2. Since you know the peer device support abcd/xyz profile, you dont have to select any profile, you have to intiate a profile level connection request(pairing/authentication also needs to be taken care)

  3. For SPP connection, rfcomm tool is provided by bluez