Linux command to list file systems available for mounting


What terminal command will return data that includes the file systems that are currently available for mounting on my system?

Specifically, I am using Ubuntu 15.04, though I would prefer an answer that is valid for all *nix users.

I don't want to know what IS mounted, I want to know what is available.
I don't want to check the type of file system (ext2, ext4, ntsf, etc.), I want to know which file systems are available to be mounted (sda2, fd1, etc.).

Best Answer

On Ubuntu you can use to show discs:

sudo lshw -class disk

or to check all partitions on your system

sudo blkid -o list | grep "not mounted"

or if you just want the device:

sudo blkid -o list | grep "not mounted" | awk '{print $1}'