Linux – How to set the maximum TCP Maximum Segment Size on Linux


In Linux, how do you set the maximum segment size that is allowed on a TCP connection? I need to set this for an application I did not write (so I cannot use setsockopt to do it). I need to set this ABOVE the mtu in the network stack.

I have two streams sharing the same network connection. One sends small packets periodically, which need absolute minimum latency. The other sends tons of data–I am using SCP to simulate that link.

I have setup traffic control (tc) to give the minimum latency traffic high priority. The problem I am running into, though, is that the TCP packets that are coming down from SCP end up with sizes up to 64K bytes. Yes, these are broken into smaller packets based on mtu, but this unfortunately occurs AFTER tc prioritizes the packets. Thus, my low latency packet gets stuck behind up to 64K bytes of SCP traffic.

This article indicates that on Windows you can set this value.

Is there something on Linux I can set? I've tried ip route and iptables, but these are applied too low in the network stack. I need to limit the TCP packet size before tc, so it can prioritize the high priority packets appropriately.

Best Answer

Are you using tcp segmentation offload to the nic? (You can use "ethtool -k $your_network_device" to see the offload settings.) This is the only way as far as I know that you would see 64k tcp packets with a device MTU of 1500. Not that this answers the question, but it might help avoid misdiagnosis.