Linux – PHP/Linux to AS/400-db2


I am trying to get php on Linux Centos server access as/400 (iSeries) db2 database.

I am using this IBM guide as much as possible, (though we could not get GUI configuration utility working.)…ide/index.html

I downloaded and successfully installed iSeriesAccess drivers and pre-requisites.

rpm -i iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386.rpm

I have configured these files to define drivers/DNS:

/etc/odbc.ini and /etc/odbcinst.ini

[iSeries Access ODBC Driver]
Description          = iSeries Access for Linux ODBC Driver
Driver               = /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/
Setup                = /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/
Driver64             = /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib64/
Setup64              = /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib64/
Threading            = 2
DontDLClose          = 1
UsageCount           = 1 

file /etc/odbc.ini was empty so I added this configuration:

Description     = iSeries Access ODBC Driver
Driver          = iSeries Access ODBC Driver
System          = 172.999.999.999             (from netstat option 1)
UserID          = my_user
Password        = my_pass
Naming          = 0
DefaultLibraries  = QGPL
Database          =
ConnectionType    = 0
CommitMode        = 2
ExtendedDynamic   = 1
DefaultPkgLibrary = QGPL
DefaultPackage    = A/DEFAULT(IBM),2,0,1,0,512
AllowDataCompression  = 1
LibraryView           = 0
AllowUnsupportedChar  = 0
ForceTranslation      = 0
Trace           = 1
DSN             = AS400 

I assume these are working because I can run

isql -v AS400

and I connect successfully to db2 database can perform queries from Linux box.

However I have been unable to get make and ODBC connection in PHP on the Linux box.
Is there another way to test DSN from php? or get more detailed error information?

    // tried with both system name and "AS400", the dsn name

if ($conn == false) {
  echo "Not able to connect to database...
"; }


**Not able to connect to database...** 

phpinfo() shows that php was compiled with unixODBC and unixODBC is enabled.

any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

Try double checking your odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini config files. Do you have the correct database name/default library set in odbc.ini? I had success following these instructions:

One difference is that I found a version of openmotif that included[]/1/field[]/2

Restart apache after installing php-odbc.


Description = iSeries Access ODBC Driver DSN for iSeries
Driver = iSeries Access ODBC Driver
System =
Naming = 0
DefaultLibraries = QGPL
Database =
ConnectionType = 0
CommitMode = 2
ExtendedDynamic = 0
DefaultPkgLibrary = QGPL
DefaultPackage = A/DEFAULT(IBM),2,0,1,0,512
AllowDataCompression = 1
LibraryView = 0
AllowUnsupportedChar = 0
ForceTranslation = 0
Trace = 0

Sample PHP:

if (!$db = odbc_connect ( "ISERIES", "MYUSER", "MYPASSWORD") )
    echo 'error!';

$result = odbc_exec($db, "SELECT * FROM MYUSER.TABLENAME");
while (odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
    echo odbc_result($result, "ID")."\n";
