Linux – Remove a specific line from a file WITHOUT using sed or awk


I need to remove a specific line number from a file using a bash script.

I get the line number from the grep command with the -n option.

I cannot use sed for a variety of reasons, least of which is that it is not installed on all the systems this script needs to run on and installing it is not an option.

awk is out of the question because in testing, on different machines with different UNIX/Linux OS's (RHEL, SunOS, Solaris, Ubuntu, etc.), it gives (sometimes wildly) different results on each. So, no awk.

The file in question is just a flat text file, with one record per line, so nothing fancy needs to be done, except for remove the line by number.

If at all possible, I need to avoid doing something like extracting the contents of the file, not including the line I want gone, and then overwriting the original file.

Best Answer

Since you have grep, the obvious thing to do is:

$ grep -v "line to remove" file.txt > /tmp/tmp
$ mv /tmp/tmp file.txt

But it sounds like you don't want to use any temporary files - I assume the input file is large and this is an embedded system where memory and storage are in short supply. I think you ideally need a solution that edits the file in place. I think this might be possible with dd but haven't figured it out yet :(

Update - I figured out how to edit the file in place with dd. Also grep, head and cut are needed. If these are not available then they can probably be worked around for the most part:


# get the line number to remove
rline=$(grep -n "$1" "$2" | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1)
# number of bytes before the line to be removed
hbytes=$(head -n$((rline-1)) "$2" | wc -c)
# number of bytes to remove
rbytes=$(grep "$1" "$2" | wc -c)
# original file size
fsize=$(cat "$2" | wc -c)
# dd will start reading the file after the line to be removed
ddskip=$((hbytes + rbytes))
# dd will start writing at the beginning of the line to be removed
# dd will move this many bytes
ddcount=$((fsize - hbytes - rbytes))
# the expected new file size
newsize=$((fsize - rbytes))
# move the bytes with dd.  strace confirms the file is edited in place
dd bs=1 if="$2" skip=$ddskip seek=$ddseek conv=notrunc count=$ddcount of="$2"
# truncate the remainder bytes of the end of the file
dd bs=1 if="$2" skip=$newsize seek=$newsize count=0 of="$2"

Run it thusly:

$ cat > file.txt
line 1
line two
line 3
$ ./grepremove "tw" file.txt
7+0 records in
7+0 records out
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
$ cat file.txt
line 1
line 3

Suffice to say that dd is a very dangerous tool. You can easily unintentionally overwrite files or entire disks. Be very careful!