Linux – Using SVN from Eclipse and the terminal prompt


I run ubuntu, and thus of cause I like the terminal prompt. I run most svn commands from the prompt. But I have a problem…
I checkout my code using the svn in a terminal:

svn co <svn-url> <local dir>


Now I go to eclipse and do the development…
I have subeclipse and lets say that I do a commit from the svn/eclipse gui.
Now if I go back to svn in a terminal and do:

svn commit 

I get this:

svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '/home/marhin/dev/trunk'. You need
to get a newer Subversion client, or to downgrade this working copy.
for details.

I have checked the link and as far as I can see i does not help me…
My svn version is:

svn --version
svn, version 1.5.4 (r33841)
compiled Feb 23 2009, 20:42:53

my Subversion Client adapter version is:


Best Answer

You can use which can reform your workingcopy version to an older one. this is especially nice, if you are using eclipse, as they need some time to get to the current version. If you are used to command line jjust start this script after your last svn command and switch back to eclipse.