Loading Log4j.xml from outside fo the war


In my application iam using Log4j for logging.Presently I am placing log4j.xml in WEB-INF/classes.
Below are the configurations i am using to load log4j.xml file.

<!-- language: xml -->



Now I need to place log4j.xml file outside of my war file. The location will be most likely JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/settings. In settings directory i need to place my log4j.xml.

I tried to load it by setting jboss class path by editing run.bat as follows
set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%RUN_CLASSPATH%;%JBOSS_HOME%\server\default\deploy\settings
and i used below in web.xml

<!-- language: xml -->



But it throwing exception while deploying application. Exception is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid 'log4jConfigLocation' parameter: class path resource [/log4j.xml] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist

Now my question is how can I load it.

Best Answer

Remember to add "file://" in front of the path, or else it will search inside the webapp folder.

The following example works for me.


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