Log Analyzer Tools for IIS Webserver Logs

google analyticsiislogging

I used Deep Log Analyzer to monitor my site visits. What I noticed now, is that there is way too much traffic reported than it actually should be reported based on google analytics. I started to use GA now but I need to create a clean report from April 2017 until November 2017 based on the iis logs.

I got all of the log files from IIS. But now I'm looking for a way to filter spam like /wp-admin Brute-Force stuff and to monitor just the 'real' visitors data without bots and internal refferers.

Is there any better tool for that kind of log reporting or is there a way to achieve that goal in Deep Log Analyzer?

I tried to filter the reports but It still seems to have too much hits.

I just need the following information:

Total Visits, Amount of users, average session time, and device (if mobile or desktop)

thanks for recommendations and help

EDIT: best solution I found: http://www.weblogexpert.com/

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