Macos – cmake installer for Mac fails to create /usr/bin symlinks


Try to install CMake cmake- on OS X 10.9.3
I removed the old version from Application folder and delete ccmake, cmake, cmake-gui etc in usr/bin.
But get "Failed create symlink installation may be incomplete: /usr/bin/cpack" and other error messages.

Please let me know if any suggestion or question.

Thank you for precious time on my question.

Best Answer

CMake 3.0 does not seem to come with an installer any longer. So I ran into a similar issue. Like @ComicSansMS said you need to first remove the symlinks using sudo rm. Then you can run the gui with sudo /Applications/ and use the Tools -> Install For Command Line Use menu item.

From some new 3.x version you have to use this command to create symlinks:

sudo "/Applications/" --install

Note option in menu now gives only this instruction and other possible choices.