Macos – Creating a checkbox programmatically using Cocoa


I need to create a checkbox programmatically in Cocoa and when I try and make a button with buttonType set to NSSwitchButton it displays the title, but does not show the button as a checkbox. I think I am missing something but I can't find any resources about making things like checkboxes without using the Xcode GUI.

Best Answer

The question is a little old so you've probably already figured it out, but I found it while searching for this exact thing. Alex danced around the solution without actually providing it. So here, for Google and all mankind: how to programmatically create a checkbox in Cocoa.

NSRect frame;
frame.size.width = frame.size.height = 18;
NSButton *myCheckBox = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[myCheckBox setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
[myCheckBox setBezelStyle:0];  // This is unnecessary. I include it to show that checkboxes don't have a bezel style.

[myView addSubview:myCheckBox];