Macos – + vim + solarized colorscheme


I know this topic is widely spread over the internet, but I have spent the whole morning searching a solution and nothing helps.

I want to use vim in the osx-terminal with the solarized colorscheme.

So i downloaded the solarized.vim file an copied it into /usr/share/vim/colors and wrote

   let g:solarized_termcolors=256
   set background=dark
   colorscheme solarized 

in the .vimrc.

In the preferences, the terminal is set to xterm-256color, but the color is still messed up.

What i did, is exactly what you can find here.

So, what am i doing wrong?

Best Answer

If you're trying to use VIM on the console, try changing the Terminal theme to Solarized.

You can follow this blog post on Solarized theme for OSX:

In the you have a few options of color schemes that you can choose from. We are going to install the Solarized Dark and Solarized Light themes for some human eye friendly color combinations

  1. Go to in your browser
  2. Download the the latest version
  3. Unzip the package and locate the folder within the extracted folder.
  4. Double click on Solarized Dark ansi.terminal and Solarized Light ansi.terminal.

If your system then complains that it is from an unidentified developer, you have to temporarily allow applications from anywhere. To do this go to: System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow applications downloaded from and select “Anywhere”. Don’t forget to change this back!

  1. Select the theme in the preferences under Settings > Profiles. You can press default to have it default selected.