Macos – tmux not re-attaching


I recently switched from using screen to tmux (obtained through macports), as I like the feature set more. However, I can't seem to get tmux to reattach from an alternate location, like I can screen.

At home on my mac, I will open up iTerm2, my default shell is zsh, and I will begin a tmux session with tmux. I get all my spits set up, ssh'd into the proper servers, etc., and work for a while. Time to go to work. <C-a> d – tmux detaches.

I get to work, where I use a windows xp machine. I fire up putty, ssh into my mac back at home, attempt a tmux attach, and get an error message:

no sessions

I cannot seem to determine why this would happen. I am not afraid to dig into this, but don't even know where to start. Thoughts?

P.S. I have already removed my .tmux.conf file, so it's using the default config.

Best Answer

In my case, apparently temp folder was cleaned.
This blog post helped me recover my “lost” session:

I finally got the solution: sending the signal 10 forced tmux to recreate sockets. After that I could run tmux again without losing my session:

$ killall -10 tmux