Macos – “User interaction is not allowed” trying to sign an OSX app using codesign


Our automated build is running on Jenkins. The build itself is running on slaves, with the slaves being executed via SSH.

I get an error:

00:03:25.113 [codesign-app] build/ User interaction is not allowed.

I have tried every suggestion I have seen so far in other posts here:

  • Using security unlock-keychain immediately before signing to unlock the keychain.
  • Moving the signing key out into its own keychain.
  • Moving the signing key into the login keychain.
  • Moving the signing key into the system keychain.
  • Manually setting list-keychains to only the keychain which contains the key.

In all cases, I get the same error.

In an attempt to diagnose the issue, I tried running the "security unlock-keychain" command on my local terminal and found that it doesn't actually unlock the keychain – if I look in Keychain Access, the lock symbol is still there. This is the case whether I pass the password on the command-line or whether I let it prompt me for it. Unlocking the same keychain using the GUI will prompt me for the password and then unlock it. Additionally, if I run "security lock-keychain", I do see the key lock immediately after running the command. This makes me think that unlock-keychain doesn't actually work. I experience the same behaviour on Lion (which we're using for the build slaves) and Mavericks (which I'm developing on.)

Next, I tried adding -v to all the security commands:

list-keychains "-d" "system" "-s" "/Users/tester/.secret/App.keychain"
Listing keychains to see if it was added: ((
unlock-keychain "-p" "**PASSWORD**" "/Users/tester/.secret/App.keychain"
build/ User interaction is not allowed.

From this, it would seem that list-keychains is what isn't working. Maybe neither work. :/

There is a similar question here. The solution is interesting – set "SessionCreate" to true in launchctl. But I'm not building on the master – my build process is started from SSH on a slave build machine. Maybe there is a command-line way to do what launchctl is doing when you run "SessionCreate"?

Best Answer

I too have been fighting this. Nothing helped until I tried the suggestion on Thanks ashish agrawal!

Login your build user via the GUI and open Keychain Access. Select your signing private key, right-click, choose Get Info, change to the Access Control tab and select the "Allow all applications to access this item".

access control tab