Magento: Checkout redirects to cart before ‘Place Order’ is pressed (should go to payal)


this is my first actual post on StackOverflow. I'm on here quite often because you guys always solve my queries!

We have a problem in a checkout cart on a Magento site.

We have Magento version and are using the one page checkout and Paypal Standard Checkout.

The problem appears when a customer adds lots of different products to their cart (say 7 or more). When they click on the 'Place Order' button, they should be taken to paypal to complete the order. But instead they are redirected to the cart (the default failure URL)

The checkout works fine when you buy a few items or many of the same item. It doesn't work when you buy multiple different items.

Any help/advice/solution/anything! would be much appreciated!


Best Answer

I to expereinced this issue... We run PHP Version 5.2.10, Magento ver. and use Paypal Website Standard PRO...

We have been optimising the server install APC and tuning MySQL... Uninstalling / reinstalling APC to swap out a version of APC that use spin locks...

After completing these works and running an end to end test the Paypal integration failed to work... Or more to the point on clicking "Place Order" we were redirected to the cart page...

I reviewed the headers sent after pressing "Place order" and found that a 500 error was issued by the server and as Magento is a production configuration this error is not shown and the browser is redirected to the referrer, in this case the basket page...

Our PHP errors are logged to our Apache error_log and on view this I found the following entries:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/user/htdocs/lib/Zend/Feed/Abstract.php on line 101

I reviewed this further and discovered DOMDocument and found a post stating that the "PHP-XML Module" is required...

As we had been installing / installing software we ran "yum install php-xml"...

This resolved the issue!!! This is odd as this did work so implying this would not be the issue...

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