Magento email template location


I've been trying to send an email from my magento module but for some reason I can't get the template to work:

The template is set as follows:

$emailTemplate  = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('application_status_email');

The headers and all are being sent correctly.

I've created a file called application_status_email.html in app/locale/en_US/template/email and the selected language on the admin panel is English(US). Thoughts?

The template itself simply contains:

{{var message}}

But for some reason my emails are sent without anything content. I have another module sending emails, but from the front end wich works fine, with the template located in the same folder …

Best Answer

Remember to add your email template to the configuration files:

        <label>Application Status Message</label>

Hope that helps!

Thanks, Joe