Magento – How to override the admin template file in magento


I need to override the "adminhtml/sales/order/create/items/grid.phtml" file to display some custom text under each item while creating new order from admin. I want this to be done through custom module. Anyone can suggest how to override the admin template files? Any help is really appreciated

Best Answer

I Recommend you that create a new template and add new design in your module with the layout update for the adminhtml section. For example:

In your config.xml of your custom extension you can update the layout of adminhtml with:


Ok, then since this layout you can write the next code to add a css for example:

        <reference name="head">
            <action method="addCss">


In your case you need add you custom template for your block

        <reference name="content">
            <block type="smspremium/adminhtml_smspremium" name="smspremium">
                <action method="setTemplate">

If you want to discart all the block and replace with your block you can made unsetChild

            <reference name="content">
                <action method="unsetChild"><name>your.last.block</name></action>

                <block type="smspremium/adminhtml_smspremium" name="smspremium">
                    <action method="setTemplate">

This work same the frontend layout, only with the diference of the directory since you store your files. For Templates:


For layout:


Hope help you

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