Magento Password Reset Link


We run a multi-store/view magento site. Let's say our site is called (running the "retail" store) and another url running the "trade" store

When a customer requests a password reset from, they get a password reset link like this:

Clicking this link re-directs to login page with the error Your password reset link has expired..

However, if you replace the "trade" from the domain with "www" like this:

The password reset appears to be working correctly.

Any idea why this is happening? Have I configured the magento incorrectly? Is this a known bug?

Best Answer

Customers are shared either per website, either across all websites, so at least, a customer account is usable on all of the store views that a website contains. Consequently, it is normal that the password reset link works for your store views.

In fact, if you would like to separate the customer accounts between your store views, you would have to create separate websites that would not share customers.

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