Matlab – How to make a surf plot in MATLAB with irregularly spaced data


I know I can create a 3D surface plot in MATLAB by doing:

x = linspace(1,10,100);
y = linspace(10,20,100);

[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);

Z = X * Y;


But this requires that all the nodes for the height map generated line up. I have a set of data which has arbitrary points (x,y) and a height (z). Is there a simple way to plot a graph which will generate a surface between the points in a similar fashion to surf?

Best Answer

Appologies, after some hunting I managed to answer my own question:

You can use the trisurf function:

tri = delaunay(x,y);

If you have dense data you will want to do shading interp (or another value, check doc shading) so you don't get a black blob due to the grid.

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