Matlab – Reset Axes in Matlab


There is a axes named image in which I show the image when the user presses the browse button.

imshow(orgImg, 'Parent', handles.image);

Then I do image processing stuff.

There is a clear button to clear that image shown in image axes after done all the processing.
I used cla(handles.image,'reset');
This clear the image from axes. But, it displays the XTick and YTick as 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and so on and also XColor and YColor as black.

I don't want XTick and YTick values to be displayed on axes and also color should be white. But I need to display the axes without above values. Now it shows the axes with above values.

How can I remove those properties?

Best Answer

After you clear the image, issue this command


you can replace gca with your current handle.

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