Maven assembly ignores parent dependencies


My assembly descriptor applies the includes and excludes correctly when the dependencies are included in the pom file directly.

However when I put the dependencies in the parent pom file the assembly:directory goal reports that the includes and excludes haven't been triggered.

Do you know why maven-assembly-plugin ignores parent dependencies? How can I fix it?

Here are the maven and assembly descriptors:

Assembly descriptor:


Child POM assembly plugin definition:


Parent POM dependencies:


Warnings in the build report:

[assembly:directory {execution: make-assembly}]
Reading assembly descriptor: assembly.xml
Processing DependencySet (output=/lib)
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact exclusion filter:
o  'org.tanukisoftware:wrapper:exe:3.3.5'

Processing DependencySet (output=/bin)
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter:
o  'org.tanukisoftware:wrapper:exe:3.3.5'

Best Answer

I don't know if this will help, but what I always do is in the parent's pom put the dependencies in a dependencyManagement block;

    <!-- dependencies with exclusions -->



Then, in the child pom, list the dependencies again, but without the version and exclusions


But to be honest, for my first and only assembly, I couldn't get it to work in a child module and put it in the parent's pom. Here's my assembly file, for making a zip file for a standalone java program, run by cron:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>









      crontab.txt is put in twice, in both upload and download, just in case.
      <!-- upload files -->


      <!-- download files -->


There are two top level directories in the zip file, upload and download.