Maven copy src/main/resources/services folder to /META-INF



Ok I can be now more specific:

I have in my scr/main/resources a folder META-INF who contains services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor

My pom is still the same (with commented).
If I do "mvn clean install", the output jar will contains only the META-INF folder.

But if I rename the folder services, the output jar contains my classes and the META-INF folder with the new renamed folder and his content.

I have – I suppose – a easy question for regular maven2 users.
I have this simple pom for a simple subproject

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <name>AIDA Annotation Processors</name>

<!--        <resources> -->
<!--            <resource> -->
<!--                <directory>src/main/resources/services</directory> -->
<!--                <targetPath>META-INF/services</targetPath> -->
<!--            </resource> -->
<!--        </resources> -->



My goal is simple:
I just want to copy my src/main/resources/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file in the {root}/META-INF/services folder of my generated jar.

But if I uncomment the resource part, my jar will contains only a META-INF folder without class!

Could you help me?

Best Answer

This is a bug/feature in the maven compiler plugin..

A workaround is to disable annotation processing for the project containing the processor, -proc:none.