Maven – How to make maven to take resources from /src/test/resources instead of /src/main/resources for a dependent project


I've searched the forum to find the answer to my problem, but I was unable to find it. My problem is, that:

I have two projects: ProjectA and ProjectB. ProjectB uses ProjectA. In ProjectA i have two folders:
/src/main/resources and /src/test/resources.
In ProjectB i run: mvn clean install. I want, that in the test phase, classes in ProjectB use resources from /src/test/resources instead of /src/main/resources.

This is what I tried:

It is similar to my problem, but after I configured the test-jar goal for ProjectA, ProjectB still runs the tests in the way, that classes in ProjectA use properties from /src/main/resources instead of /src/test/resources.

My pom.xml in ProjectA looks like:

<project ...>





In ProjectB my pom.xml looks like:

<project ...>





Is there a method
Any help would be appreciated!

Mateusz Moroz

Best Answer

The src/main/resources are packed to the jar file named ProjectA.jar as the following structure

|  `-sensano
|    `-foo
`-[the resource form src/main/resources]

Sadly the src/test/resources are also packed to the jar file named ProjectA-tests.jar as the following structure as well.

|  `-sensano
|    `-foo
`-[the resource form src/test/resources]

If the resource name that you require are the same name for both from src/main/resources and src/test/resources. There may be some class loader trouble. IMHO, the nearest wins.

Since you put the ProjectA before the ProjectA-tests, then may be the root cause that the ProjectB will use the src/main/resources from ProjectA since it is nearest.

Please try to swap by putting the ProjectA-tests before the ProjectA as the following: -


The nearest will be the ProjectA-tests, and ProjectB should use the src/test/resources instead.

I hope this may help.

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