Maven – Project import error when using Eclipse


I am getting the following error when trying to import some existing project (couple of years old project).

"No marketplace entries found to handle maven-antrun-plugin:1.3:run in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information."

I have tried to read information on this error.. but can't find anything that tell what's wrong, and how to fix it.

Help? I have Eclipse Indigo, and M2E Eclipse Plugin

Update – Looks like this is related to Eclipse Indigo having Maven 3, and my pom xml files being old (maven2). I am reverting back to Eclipse Ganymede… 🙁

Best Answer

This probably relates to a M2E connector not existing for the "run" goal of the maven-antrun-plugin. See for more information.

Eclipse is only able to perform a subset of Maven build functions, and the M2E Eclipse plugin helps expand Eclipse's repertoire using its "Connectors", which are available for download in the Marketplace.