Maven – Why does maven not copy the properties files during the build process


Nothing I've found has been able to help me solve this one specific case. I recently switched from a plain old java web app project (which was working) to a maven web project. I get the following runtime exception:

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.myapp.config, locale en

I am using Netbeans to create a JSF 2.0, Spring, and Hibernate web app. I have the following directory structure:

src\main\java\com\myapp     Contains
src\main\resources               Empty

target\myapp\WEB-INF\classes\com\myapp     Contains compiled class files without
src\main\java\com\myapp                                 Contains

Inspection of the WAR file in the target folder does not show any sign of the properties file so it's as if the Maven build plug-in is not copying over properties files. I know there is a tag you can place inside the pom but it didn't work for me. The link below mentions that the resources folder (empty for me) has its contents included during the build but if that is the case, how do you do it from Netbeans? I just want the properties file to be packaged with my war so it is accessible when it is deployed to the server.


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <name>Repository hosting the Java EE 6 artifacts</name>
                        <!-- javaee6 contains upgrades of APIs contained within the JDK itself.
                             As such these need to be placed on the bootclasspath, rather than classpath of the
                             If you don't make use of these new updated API, you can delete the profile.
                             On non-SUN jdk, you will need to create a similar profile for your jdk, with the similar property as sun.boot.class.path in Sun's JDK.-->

Best Answer

Maven doesn't copy resources from the java source tree by default, but you can get it do that by adding this to your pom.xml:


Make sure you exclude the java source files.


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