Maven – Within Eclipse, how to run Tomcat Maven plugin that modifies the context path


Inside Eclipse with m2 Maven plugin installed. I can run my webapp in Tomcat via Eclipse WTP using "Run on Server" command.

Now I want to modify the context-path via Maven, so I use the following plugin:


But then how do you exactly run this plugin inside Eclipse. Using Eclipse WTP always gives me the following URL – http://localhost:8080/myapp

I know I could run the plugin on a standalone Maven, but I want to know how to do it within Eclipse

Best Answer


I am assuming that you have already installed the plugins for Maven for eclipse.


While selecting the project in project explorer select Run --> Run As --> Maven Install

Running Tomcat

Go to Run --> Run Configurations..

Add new Maven Build

Name the Process, Select the Base directory that will be deployed as war

set the Goal --> tomcat:run (this is a default goal for Tomcat)

By following the steps you can deploy every thing via Eclipse.

Have fun. :)