Migrate Visual Studio 2008 project to Visual Studio 2010

visual studio 2010

Hi i want to move Visual Studio 2008 C#.NET project to Visual Studio 2010. My existing VS2008 project Solution have multiple projects.My vs2010 is a WPF project , i moved some core project VS2008 to VS2010 WPF project. Successfully convert and added into VS2010 project but i am not able to reference converted project.

Best Answer

You should be able to just open the project in Visual studio 2010. It will prompt you before it upgrades. I recommend making a backup (there is a checkbox in the upgrade wizard). Just follow the instructions in the wizard. It is fairly straightforward.

The upgrade only changes the solution/project file. You can still have the app be a .net 2.0 or 3.5 application by choosing the target framework in the project properties. When you upgrade to 4.0, however, is when you will need to do lots of regression testing. We upgraded an MVC 1.0 app to .net 4.0 and had problems with the renderpartialtostring approach. We had to rewrite portions of the app just to upgrade into 4.0.

Also, don't forget that if you upgrade a project, certain behavior of the newer version will be suppressed by means of property sheets. You can get back the proper (new) behavior by removing the InheritedPropertySheets element of each Configuration in the .vcproj files.