Minimizing viewstate- confused by `EnableViewState` and `ViewStateMode` in 4.0


I'm trying to clean up an older ASP.NET WebForms site that has ViewState enabled everywhere. This is a performance issue – huge viewstates cause noticeable submit delays. But most of the forms don't really seem to need ViewState except for some complex control & form data. Even forms with no input controls, though, generate big viewstates because I guess is storing all kinds of metatdata about every single server control. But the visibility state, etc, is all controlled in code so I think I can eliminate a lot.

It's pretty onerous to add EnableViewState="false" to every single control (in a page and created in code) that doesn't need it, so I'm trying to disable it at a page/control level, and selectively enable it for things that need it. (Yes, I realize this is risky, but there are really just a couple big forms and a couple templates that, if addressed would make a big difference).

Here's what I'm not quite getting.

If a control or page has EnableViewState="false" it its <%.. %> descriptor, or in its tag where it is created in the parent page, everything breaks, because any ViewState data added in code doesn't work. So I seem to be able to leave it enabled at the control level, but set EnableViewState to false for a wrapper control in each container, and then set ViewStateMode=true (which ovverrides that) at a per-control level.

What I'm not getting is what happens when:

ViewStateMode = ViewStateMode.Enabled and
EnableViewState = false for a control that contains other controls.

for a control. Can inner controls be enabled still with ViewStateMode? Basically, which setting has the final word when they conflict?

For each container, I want to be able to disable everything in a wrapper control but still ensure that:

1) ViewState settings in code work, and

2) ViewState is disabled for all controls by default, and

3) I can selectively enable ViewState for subcontrols.

This seems to be confounding. If I have a wrapper control in the master page that is set to EnableViewState="false", but then set a subcontrol to ViewStateMode="Enabled", it breaks. According to MS, ViewStateMode should supercede any outer ViewState settings, yet it doesn't seem to work.

Best Answer

As per the MSDN article on ViewStateMode, ViewStateMode only has meaning when EnableViewState="true". To achieve what you want, you'll have to leave ViewStateMode="Enabled" on the control, and then wrap the sub-controls of the main one in an asp:Placeholder that has ViewStateMode="Disabled". That way, you can still manipulate ViewState in the codebehind, but no child control will have ViewState (except the ones you explicitly set to have it via ViewStateMode="Enabled").

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