Mongodb – How to execute mongo commands through shell scripts


I want to execute mongo commands in shell script, e.g. in a script

mongo myDbName
show collections

When I execute this script via ./, then the connection to MongoDB is established, but the following commands are not executed.

How to execute other commands through shell script

Best Answer

You can also evaluate a command using the --eval flag, if it is just a single command.

mongo --eval "printjson(db.serverStatus())"

Please note: if you are using Mongo operators, starting with a $ sign, you'll want to surround the eval argument in single quotes to keep the shell from evaluating the operator as an environment variable:

mongo --eval 'db.mycollection.update({"name":"foo"},{$set:{"this":"that"}});' myDbName

Otherwise you may see something like this:

mongo --eval "db.test.update({\"name\":\"foo\"},{$set:{\"this\":\"that\"}});"
> E QUERY    SyntaxError: Unexpected token :