Moving Reports in Salesforce using IDE


I'm trying to mass move reports to different folders in salesforce using the IDE.

I've followed the instructions provided by SarathPM here:

I update my package.xml, move the corresponding files and then try to save to server.
However, I keep getting the following errors:

When deploying:
Save error: DeveloperName: This Report Unique Name already exists or has been previously used. Please choose a different name.

When saving to server:
Unable to save resource '' to server: IllegalArgumentException: Project and/or project package list cannot be null.

There must be a way to move reports in salesforce other than manually saving each report to a different folder. Thanks in advance.


I did a fresh checkout of the reports folder only.

package.xml before


package.xml after


Save package.xml, move to Utility_Reports. Refresh in Eclipse, I see the changes. I try to "Save to Server" and it tells me the "Project is not synchronized with the associated Salesforce organization." I bypass the message and try to save anyway, which is when the "Unable to save resource 'Utility Reports' to server" message shows up.

I tried Synchronizing everything with the server before making any changes. Still get the same error messages.

Best Answer

I can confirm that the method described by Sarath, when followed exactly, works. You'll need a more specific repro scenario. I'd suggest trying to move just a single report. Just to be clear, the steps are:

  • download a fresh copy of your reports metadata via Eclipse
  • manually edit the package.xml to change the folder of a report. (I think you need to make sure the folder exists on the server, and that you are referring to the developer name of it, e.g. Folder_A/My_report)
  • in the underlying file system, move that report to a folder of that name
  • in Eclipse, do a project refresh from the local file system (NOT the server)
  • in Eclipse, do a save to server
  • the report should move

If this also does not work, post your package.xml before and after, and the exact steps you followed.

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