Ms-access – Creating a DSN-less connection for MS Access within Java


I'm building a desktop app that needs to communicate with a MS Access database. Now, unless I want to register the DSN for the database on every computer that's going to use the desktop app, I need a way to connect to the database in a DSN-less fashion.

I've searched alot and found some useful links on how to create connection strings and based on that I tried modifying my program based on that but without success.
The code below fails. If i switch the string in the getConnection to "jdbc:odbc:sampleDB" it works, but that's using DSN and not what I want to achieve.

How do I write and use a connection string in java to make a DSN-less connection to a MS Access database?

private Connection setupConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException,
        SQLException {
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)} &_ Dbq=c:\\as\\sampleDB.mdb");
    return con;

Addition: I'd also like to point out that if anyone has an idea of a way to achieve what I asked for WITH a DSN-connection I'll gladly listen to it!

Best Answer

JDBC connection string shouls start with jdbc: like:

jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\\Nwind.mdb

so try with:

   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=c:\\as\\sampleDB.mdb");

If you configure DSN then you can connect to it using simplier connect string: jdbc:odbc:[alias], example:

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