Ms-access – Remove replication from an MS Access Database


I have a Microsoft Access database (*.mdb), that we'll call Admin.mdb that is linked to from several other *.mdb's that users use on their machines.

We're upgrading to the latest version of MS-Access 365, (Microsoft Office Professional Pro 365) and it does not support replication;

When I run the databases in Access 365 that link to it, I get an error message that reads:

"The current version of Microsoft Access does not support replicated
databases. To use this database, open in a previous version of
Microsoft Access"

The Admin.mdb database at some point supported replication, but the servers that it replicated to (the design master) are long gone at this point.

In an attempt to remove replication from Admin.mdb I ran the following script on it from a blank .mdb file. The script attempts to remove the replication by copying / recreating everything from Admin.mdb to an empty db1.mdb file.

It works to a point, however some of the files end up with an error message like this…

3259 Invalid field data type.

…when recreating the tables.

I've run the script using MS-Access 2003 and MS-Accesss 2007 and I still end up with the same errors.

I tried skipping the tables by adding them to the if statement for skipping system tables with a <>, but it just misses alot of the tables.

My hunch is that the Admin.mdb file itself is very old. Maybe it was created in MS-Access 2000 or something like that.

Is there a kb out there that specifies what data types have been deprecated?

It appears to be occurring on fields with a Number (type 20) field.

Looks like the issue might be that we're using DAO to do this when what we need to use is ADOX…

Best Answer

I think when the database was set up to support replication one or more fields to track the changes were added to the tables. These will probably be your DAO fields of type Decimal (const = 20).

I would suggest that you remove these fields (since you won't be needing them anymore) and try importing the objects into a new database again.