Ms-access – Sorting while using Access runtime


Here's the situation:
I have a database application that the users run in Access 2003 runtime mode. I have a form that runs in Datasheet view. What I want to be able to do is allow the user to change the sort order while viewing this datasheet form. I have included the normal Access sort ascending/sort descending buttons on a custom toolbar. On my PC, with full version Access installed, these sorting buttons are enabled and I can sort.

Here's the problem:
My users who run without full version of Access installed can see the buttons, but they are greyed-out/disabled.

Does anyone know of a way to enable those buttons in the run-time version of Access 2003?

Best Answer

Actually the buttons should work in a datasheet view. However in a continuous form in the runtime environment they will NOT be enabled and they will not work.

The simple solution here is add a couple of your own custom buttons to that meuu bar.

Have those buttons call VBA code that simply sets the sort to ascending, or decending.

So, for the a->z buttion, change the on-action to:


(Remember to add some new buttons here, don't use the built in one says they'll be disabled - you can use the custom menu editor to copy the graphic images form the original buttons however)

And for the sort descending button, you can use:


Then in a standard code module, place the above two functions that will be called and they can be written as follows.

  Public Function mySortDown()

     Dim f    As Form
     Dim c    As Control
     Set f = Screen.ActiveForm

     Set c = f.ActiveControl

     f.OrderBy = c.ControlSource
     f.OrderByOn = True

  End Function

  Public Function mySortUp()

     Dim f    As Form
     Dim c    As Control
     Set f = Screen.ActiveForm

     Set c = f.ActiveControl

     f.OrderBy = c.ControlSource & " DESC"
     f.OrderByOn = True

  End Function


I don’t have a reference for what works. However, during testing you can create a shortcut that allows you to test/run your code as if it is in runtime mode.

Just use:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE"
"c:\program files\RidesXP\RidesXP.mdb"  /runtime

The above is on one line in the shortcut (and a space between each line).

As for the datasheet sort buttons not working, no problem. I think it might depend on which buttons you lifted from the built-in ones. Regardless, my sample/example code should work for either case.

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